Sunday, August 21, 2011

plein air summer

Been a busy summer on the road I rented a car and spent 10 days driving from Muir Beach to Yellowstone. I was commissioned to do a painting for one of my collectors in the upper eastern corner of Yellowstone just outside the park in Cooke City , Montana. We drove 3,000 miles in 10 days including the drive from Yellowstone to Billings Montana. What a drive. Here are some of my paintings including the trip out down to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The Tetons were amazing.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

finally getting some good weather to do some plein air work. been gettng ready for the spring shows. This weekend is the MALT show in Nicasio.

Baywood show for Save the Bay with feature a lot of water views this year, here are a few.

Friday, March 4, 2011

plein air winter

love the winter light when you can get out between the storms and put up with the cold. Here are a few paintings I did when I got a break in the weather.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love the winter light. I have been painting almost daily for the past few weeks. I have a show opening this weekend for three days at the Mill Valley Outdoor Art club at the corner of Throckmorton and Blithedale Ave. The Artist's reception is on Friday at 6, and I will be doing a demonstration on Saturday at 2. Last weekend I did a demo at the Bolinas Museum to compliment my exhibit on Plein Air Painting. I hoped I would get a feeble turnout so I could go home to watch the Super Bowl, but I ended up with about 25 people. Oh well, it was fun, here are a few of my recent plein air paintings.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Two new events this February, I have a show on Plein Air paintings of the west coast including demo paintings, and larger paintings done from plein air paintings. I also have quotes and photos, it is a great little show, My second at the Bolinas Museum.

I also have a show titled.."Masters of Marin" along with 5 other artist to exhibit for three days at the Mill Valley Art Club, Opening night is February 11. I also have a painting in the Thomas Reynolds gallery in San Francisco for the California Art Club annual show.