Tuesday, December 14, 2010

plein air in the winter

Winter painting is some of the best, the light is strong and more constant. The only problem is the elements, the rain can make some
nice reflections if you can keep the water off your easel.

I do a lot of studio paintings this time of year because of the limited amount of daily sunlight. I tend to go through my field studies in Plein Air and try to produce larger works. I am including some samples here that will be part of my show at the Bolinas Museum in February.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

plein air for the holidays

The Art market is slow this time of year, when the shows end and the galleries start to get ready for the holidays. I tend to sell a few before Christmas and then a few at the beginning of the year.

Here are a few paintings I am putting in the Bolinas Musium Mini show for Christmas.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

leaving tomorrow for San Luis Obisp Plein Air Festival.

will be painting with a lot of old friends on the Central Coast. I will be

staying with my good friend Ken Christenson in Los Osos. I hope to post my paintings from that as soon as I get home.

here are some more recent paintings.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

plein air in slow motion

the foggiest summer I can ever remember. Not good for painting on the coast,but here is one I was able to get when the sun finally came out.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

plein air survival

This past week was the Napa Valley Art Festival, a one day event.

Not good for half of the artists and not good for the festival.

50% off of last year's sales but always good to see fellow artists and old friends.

This weekend is the Tiburon Art festival, I will be represented by the ArtBar on the main drag in Tiburon.

Friday, August 13, 2010

plein air workshop

teaching a workshop all week in Marin county. It was the first time I conducted my workshop in the fog everyday. This is the worst summer for plein air painting along the coast.

Next week end on August 21 I will be partisipating in the Napa Valley Art Festival in Yountville.

Here are a few paintings for the show.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

plein air painting in the sierras

did a granite river painting of the Yolo river near the Rainbow lodge.

getting ready for the fall show, The wine country show and Marin Open space.

Here are few paintings for those shows...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

plein air painting in the summer

been painting over the hill from the fog. Not much sun these days been doing a lot of driving to find the paintable sun..... here are a few recent painting.

I plan to have many more. as soon as they dry. I need to scan them but need them to be totally dry before I can do that. I teach a workshop in August and do the plein air paint out in Sonoma in September. I love painting outdoors.... more so when my wife joins me.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

plein air on the 4th

Thursday was the opening of this year's Marinscapes 2010

Tes volunteered to sale raffle tickets and I worked .the crowd.

It was a perfect night and the sales were steady. Here are a few

paintings I sold so far.

And a Photo of us..

Friday, June 25, 2010

July 4th weekend is the annual Marinscapes show At Escalle Winery In Larkspur

here are a few of my paintings for the show....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

plein air on loma alta

Sherrill Miller, Tom Wood and I painted on Loma alta just west of Fairfax a few weeks ago to make people aware of the threat to that area from the open space trail proposal.

Here are some photos of the proposed area and us on top of Marin.

The 680 trial is a bad idea.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

plein air on the central coast

A few weeks ago we went to the Paso Robles art Festival. Fun to meet up with old friends and fellow painters from the San Luis Obispo Plein Air festival.
I will be doing the festival again this year. I am showing my works at the "Just Looking Gallery" in SLO on Higuera and I need to get to the central coast as often as I can.
I was able to do only one painting on the trip, but had a chance to drop off some new works at the gallery.

Friday, June 11, 2010

plein air on the move

Finally some decent painting weather. The fog is gone and the sun is out on the coast, time to get out and do some coastal paintings.

I have a painting demo to do in Sonoma next week and a painting workshop in August.

I do most of my outdoor work this time of year when the grasses are turning golden.

My next show is Marinscapes in Larkspur.

July 4th weekend.

Here are a few painting from the show and up the coast.

Monday, June 7, 2010

plein air on the central coast

My wife Tes and I just got back from a trip down to San Luis Obispo county.

We showed my paintings in the Paso Robles paint the river paint the dream exhibit.

The turn out was great like last year, but the sales were not there.

I don't think any paintings sold for over $250 except for the plein air "quick draws"

My painting and that of my good friend Ken Christenson were the only artists that sold for over $500.

I was able to drop off paintings at my gallery in SLO on Higuera Street called "Just Looking Gallery"

Here are some photos of our trip including a few paintings I did on my last trip there a few weeks ago.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

plein air in motion

Today a few artists climbed the peak of Loma Alta to paint and check out the new 680 trail being pushed through by the Marin Open Space and Steve Kinsey.
We came upon about 30 hikers on a tour of the proposed trail.
We made our opinions heard to the hikers that this was a sensitive and controversial trail.
Art can have an effect.
As artists we need to do what we can to bring attention to areas that we Cherish and use for our paintings, especially if they plan to turn it into a playground for mountain bikers.
Plein air painting does give us certain responsibilities to our subject.
I hope I am not alone in this thinking.